5 Records Management Tips for the New Year

A new year means new plans. Businesses small and large are looking to increase productivity and revenues, all while optimizing the procedures to make those strides happen. Guiding these improvements is information, which means the way you are collecting and storing it should also be analyzed to provide the most secure and efficient methods available […]


The Importance of a Certificate of Destruction

Certificates of destruction are part of the document and hard drive shredding process. Securely shredding documents, media, and hard drives after their retention period has been reached is vital to the protection of information at the end of its life cycle. Protecting the personal information of your clients, vendors, and employees is not only the […]


Remote Employees and Document Shredding

  By now, your office and employees have fully adapted to working from home. And working from home shows no signs of disappearing any time soon.  So how do you make sure documents that are produced by those remote employees are being properly destroyed at the end of their life cycle? Well, outlining a clear […]


Shred Documents – Waiting Can Complicate The Process

It’s a familiar story. Businesses decide that they will wait to accumulate documents to have a large purge ready when it comes time to have them destroyed. This then becomes an annual process and is identified as the standard operating procedure when it comes time to shred documents. Unfortunately, delaying the destruction of the information […]


VLOG – 30 Second Thursdays – Shred All Policy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py4Ffl_UEq8 In our #30SecondThursdays series, listen to see how a shred all policy benefits your organization. Transcript Hi. Good morning. I’m Doug Williams from Williams Data Management. We’re here today on 30 second Thursdays to talk about secure document destruction. This is a trashcan. This is a recycling bin. This is a security container to […]


3 Simple Steps to Get Started with Recurring Shred Service

Getting a grasp on the amount of paper your office is producing can seem an impossible task, and equally so can the destruction of all that paper that is being produced. Enter a recurring document shredding schedule. A recurring shred schedule alleviates all the hours wasted shredding the paper yourself and provides a set process […]


Why Hard Drive Shredding?

  As you decommission desktops, laptops, servers or scanners, your business is going to discover very quickly that there is an abundance of information stored on the hard drives within those machines. The way your business handles the destruction of the drives is critical to protecting the business information contained within, and simply put, hard […]


Employees and Records Retention Policy Awareness

(Updated 12/20/2021) – Most people would say that a tech start up and a healthcare facility don’t have much in common in terms of what services they provide, clients they serve, and the overall ways they operate their business. However, the way that they handle their data and more specifically how long they retain that […]


5 Document Shredding Myths

Throughout the years we have worked with thousands of businesses across Southern California, and one of the many things they all have in common is document shredding is critical to the protection of their business information. The truth is document shredding provides any business the peace of mind that confidential information is no longer accessible, […]


Shred All Policy and Your Business

Imagine you are a manager and as you are walking through the office, you overhear two employees talking. They have never heard of a Shred All Policy, and as such, a conversation begins with one employee asking the other if the piece of paper that she is currently holding needs to be shredded. After a […]