Data Lifecycle Management, Business Solutions, and Expertise

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The Importance of a Certificate of Destruction

Certificates of destruction are part of the document and hard drive shredding process. Securely shredding documents, media, and hard drives after their retention period has been reached is vital to the protection of information at the end of its life cycle. Protecting the personal information of your clients, vendors, and employees is not only the […]


How Document Scanning Optimizes Access for Remote Employees

The last 2 years have been transformative for individuals and businesses. From an in-office environment to a completely remote workforce and a hybrid between the two, companies and employees have been separated and forced to adapt to the new workplace. By now, one of two things has either happened. Organizations have either embraced it or […]


Document Storage: Barcodes are Your Friend

At one point or another we all have experienced not being able to find something that we desperately need right away. Car keys, a cell phone, a purse or wallet – all things that have gone down that seemingly black hole, consuming a whole morning to find. Thankfully, for those types of items, there are […]


Frequently Asked Questions About Document Shredding

Why do I need Certified Document/Hard Drive Shredding? Document shredding and hard drive shredding is essential because it protects your company’s valuable information from becoming discoverable, and mitigates the risks of identity theft and data breaches. Not to mention, your business may be liable for large fines or prosecution for not abiding by your legal […]


Remote Employees and Document Shredding

  By now, your office and employees have fully adapted to working from home. And working from home shows no signs of disappearing any time soon.  So how do you make sure documents that are produced by those remote employees are being properly destroyed at the end of their life cycle? Well, outlining a clear […]


The Pros of Document Scanning

What’s stopping the digitization of your documents? Is it time? Money? Lack of buy-in? Whatever it is, the benefits far outweigh the hurdles that you and your business face when it comes to document scanning. Here are the top 8 reasons to scan your documents and reduce the headache.   Free Up Space The office […]


Shred Documents – Waiting Can Complicate The Process

It’s a familiar story. Businesses decide that they will wait to accumulate documents to have a large purge ready when it comes time to have them destroyed. This then becomes an annual process and is identified as the standard operating procedure when it comes time to shred documents. Unfortunately, delaying the destruction of the information […]


VLOG – 30 Second Thursdays – Shred All Policy In our #30SecondThursdays series, listen to see how a shred all policy benefits your organization. Transcript Hi. Good morning. I’m Doug Williams from Williams Data Management. We’re here today on 30 second Thursdays to talk about secure document destruction. This is a trashcan. This is a recycling bin. This is a security container to […]


The Role of Records Management in Business Continuity

  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) lists a comprehensive records management plan as one of the three most critical components and recovery tools for your business to survive a disaster. However, many organizations tend to take the attitude of “I’ll deal with it when it happens”, which can be detrimental to the ability of […]


Don’t get lost in the shuffle.

With an exclusive focus on Southern California businesses, we’ve built our reputation on giving clients personal attention and customized service. You’ll have 24/7 access to your records and we deliver files physically or online in just a few hours. Learn more about how we can help protect your business. Contact us for a free quote and needs assessment.